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“Presence and Transformation”
n continuation from SAT I-III, the SAT IV aims to integrate the experiences from the previous module and offers exercises that sharpen the understanding of the inner transformation of each Enneatype. Based on Claudio Naranjo's teachings of the “Hero's journey”, participants will take an in-depth look at the understanding of the inner journey of the soul, combining meditation practices with a reflection on the nature of the psycho-spiritual process. They will explore their own path of growth related to their Enneatype experience.

We are especially happy about the commitment of companions and long-term collaborators of Claudio and special guests to join us again! This year, for the first time, we welcome Joan Garriga, known for his transformative work with systemic constellations, especially in Spain and Latin America. Furthermore, the participants will again be able to dive into a special world of meditation, movement, and benefit from individual sessions with Jaclyne Scardova around your deeper life issues. The SAT IV will be led by Grazia Cecchini together with Katrin Reuter and Cherif Chalakani.

This module is an advanced training on the SAT path and is only available for people who have completed the previous modules. Alumni of the SAT program are warmly invited to re-join for a second SAT IV. We will be offering a special rate.

This SAT IV module contains the following elements:
A unique approach to body and movement, to develop the attention and the awarenes that helps us be present and alive in our body.
Enneagram & systemic constellations
Combining two powerful approaches to personality development to recognize how our character structures arise in our family systems and their dynamics. Another emphasis will be on the virtues and how they support us from the perspective of the different Ennea- and Subtypes in our growth process
Meditative exercises
integrating the Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana practices already practiced during previous modules
Reflection processes
Participants will be guided to consider and reflect upon their inner journey in order to help them understand and actively live their own psycho-spiritual transformation process.

 Planned  for 2025


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