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“Just as a natural healing process can occur in organisms,
a natural healing process can also occur in society.
It would be a bit like the collapse of a sick and dysfunctional system,
a collapse that would seem to be a disaster at first
but it is in fact our hope”

Dr. Claudio Naranjo
n the general climate of uncertainty lies also a potential pivot point for social, structural as well as individual change on a global scale. In the spirit of Claudio Naranjo, we like to continue this SAT path by offering new ways of supporting each other that allow us to continue our work while reflecting and facing the unexpected with dignity, grace, and openness for the new possibilities to come.

We are working passionately to develop and extend this virtual space that allows you to benefit from our methods wherever you are. Some online proposals are reserved for our former SAT participants, others are open to people interested in our approaches. The number of participants for the virtual courses is limited to ensure the possibility of interactive work.

Our online events are done by ZOOM video conferences. Select your event and reserve your place. We will send you instructions on how to participate before the start of the event. If you are new to Zoom, we have created a guide to help you get the most out of your experience. You can read more about using Zoom here.

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