hese and even more
questions ran like a red thread through the 5-day seminar,
which was a premiere in its conception and implementation.
Thanks to technical possibilities, Claudio Naranjo conducted the symposium
from Barcelona via live video conference, as health problems made travelling
impossible for him. His contributions and analyses to the topics of the
seminar were brilliant and brought precision as much as depth to the
speakers presenting the biographies. We thus witnessed very special and
unusual Enneagram panels.
So, is self-realization an end in itself, a task of each individual in
his life context? It became particularly clear that there are many different
starting points for transformation: Illuminating and "aha" moments, shaking
events, initiations, through-the-pain-into-the-light experiences, enlightening
The underlaying theme for the theatre work of the symposium was Dante's
phases of development from personal hell and purgatory into his own heaven,
which is an analogy from his "divine comedy", that can be psychologically
interpreted and applied to personal development. Continuing with that
line of thinking it was obvious to then crown the symposium with a grand
theatre performance that included more than 250 actors letting the historical
personalities go through hell, purgatory and heaven and thereby encounter
their own abysses and heights.