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The SAT Program Seekers after Truth
The SAT Program is a comprehensive training program aimed at promoting human psycho-spiritual development. It is designed to address the limitations associated with our own character structures in order to reveal the deeper identity of the self.
The programme consists of several modules each of which focuses on specific themes. The central element of the work is the psychology around the Enneagram combined with approaches of modern psychotherapy and practices of the Eastern traditions geared towards facilitating sustainable personal and professional development. In this way, the SAT Program is for individuals working in helping and therapeutic and training professions, just as it is for people who wish to go beyond the limitations of psychotherapeutic work.  
The four modules of the SAT Program
SAT Module I:
SAT Module II:
SAT Module III:
SAT Module IV:
Presence and transformation
Video: The SAT Program
Presentation by Claudio Naranjo 
Testimonial of participants

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