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God sleeps in the stone,
breathes in the plant,
dreams in the animal and awakens in the human.

(S. Painadath SJ, Indien)

IST - close to Bad Tölz (Bavaria) - is a centre for personal and professional training in potential-oriented self-awareness and psychotherapy. The name ZIST stands for more than 30 years of experience in the implementation of events exploring human nature and supporting the tendency of self-healing with the objective of development of autonomy and human health.

ZIST was founded by Dr. Wolf Büntig and Christa Büntig.
You study in the secured and recreative learning arena of ZIST under guidance of carefully selected instructors and group leaders, who call on many years of experience in the guidance of people seeking for a meaningful life according to their nature.
ZIST nonprofit GmbH

Zist 1 - 82377 Penzberg (Germany)
Phone: +49-8856-93690

Nearby moor lakes of the alpine upland
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