SAT Programme - Information session

30jan7:30 pm9:00 pmSAT Programme - Information sessionSAT Programme | free eventOnlineZoom7:30 pm - 9:00 pm View in my timeFormatPresentationParticipantsOpen to all

Event details

SAT Programme: A free introduction evening

The SAT program designed by Claudio Naranjo, one of the main referents of transpersonal psychology and in particular of the Enneagram, proposes a “work” on the psychology of the Enneatypes in a holistic approach that is nourished by various disciplines that converge organically in the quest for an essential knowledge of oneself (movement, theatre, meditation, the different currents of therapeutic and self-help support, systemic work on parental relationships etc).

Wherever you are in the world, you are welcome to attend this free meeting. Members of our team will offer an overview of the themes and exercises that are at the heart of this program and will answer any questions you may have.

This evening will give you answers to questions such as:

  • Is the SAT programme for me?
  • Is there a right time to start and why should I start with SAT I?
  • What methods and tools are used during the SAT?
  • Do I already need to know something about Enneagram?
  • What are the changes and long-term benefits I can expect?
  • Can I participate with my partner, friends or family members?
  • How can the SAT programme help me in my relationships?
  • Do I have to belong to a certain belief system for it to work?
  • What do I need to prepare myself for?


January 30(Thursday) 7:30pm - 9:00pm

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